11.06.2010 в 14:00
Пишет  Rune:

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В Южной Корее посмотрели Макросс и сделали выводы.

The Defense Ministry is apparently minded to use songs and music videos by manufactured girl bands such as Girls' Generation, Wonder Girls, After School, Kara and 4minute in so-called psychological warfare against North Korea.

An official in charge of psy ops at the Joint Chiefs of Staff said no decision has been made so far. "It will take months to set up the big screens to use in psychological warfare operations and a wide range of contents will be shown," the official said. "I don't know whether songs by girl groups will be included, but there is that chance since pop songs were used in the past." But he added the content of propaganda broadcasts will not be limited to girl bands.

Итак, сначала Южная Корея побеждает Северную с помощью КейПопа, а потом и захватывает к черту весь мир.
Господа, нам срочно нужен какой-нибудь Некки Басара.

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