— Notre monde est corrompu, docteur, souillé par la folie des hommes. Il ne s’agit pas d’une crasse que l’on peut laver avec du savon en frottant très fort. C’est quelque chose d’inscrit en nous, dans nos âmes. Henry se retint de répondre en scientifique. Il ne voulait surtout pas froisser son hôte si près du but.
Прямо «Но что подумал Кролик, никто не узнал, потому что он был очень воспитанный».
up: Дочитала 1 часть, ух! На самом интересном месте оборвали. Хитрые французы остальные части продают за денежки только. Пошла купила вторую
Я их скоро задолбаю дебильными вопросами, наверное, но какие же они зайки
up: И-и-и-и-и-и... они рассказывают клёвые штуки! Например: It was originally supposed to be a single episode. The first one was recorded for some kind of contest about pollution and how you shouldn’t throw your cans and stuff on the ground.
up2: фиг с ним, репощу все вкусняшки, потому что я хочу поговорить об этом! подкаты во избежание спойлеров про 4 сезон- the bottles of alcohol in Neo Versailles are called “antoine daniel’s” who is a very famous youtuber, and a picture of his face is on the bottles. I think it’s the most famous one ^^
спойлеры к финалу 4 сезона и одной из главных интриг- I don’t think there are easter eggs on the Renard thing, but it is a recurrent joke bc people in convention used to always ask the same question which is “What is the visitor’s name?” ant the team became kinda annoyed i think? (along with the question “Raph, how do you do your hair?” which is asked EVERY SINGLE TIME).
- Actually, they had a few ideas for the name. Two, i think? If i remember well, one was a joke and the other one was serious. I don’t really know which one is Renard, but yes i assume it was planned since season 3, even if they weren’t really sure there was gonna be a 4th season.
неспойлерно, про сериал вообще- It was originally supposed to be a single episode. The first one was recorded for some kind of contest about pollution and how you shouldn’t throw your cans and stuff on the ground. Then, episodes 2&3 are just little sketches without any real story. They realised people liked it, so they decided to continue the show, and that’s why the story only starts to have a “real” development on episode 4.
про 1 сезон- Justine (Judith) wasn’t supposed to have a role at first. In s1e7, Mattéo should have had her role, but he was on holidays so they replaced him, and then she became a recurrent character!
- s1e7 was recorded in Florent’s (Le Visiteur) flat. If you look at the wall behind him, you can see blank sheets of paper. It was to hide his personal holiday photos that were on the wall
1 или 2 сезон, не помню точно- Somewhere in season 1 there’s a flash forward and we can see Raph’s future son. He is played by François, the director, who is actually Raph’s older brother
2 сезон- In s2e3, Mathieu (Mattéo) is standing on a small stool in order to make him bigger bc he wasn’t threatening enough i guess? :p
3 сезон, не особо спойлерно, просто шуточка- The original credits song was “It’s the end of the wold as we know it” by REM. In season 3, Joseph says “C’est la fin du monde telle qu’on la connait” (i think?) (which is the exact translation of REM’s song title) while (sort of) singing
про вообще- There are a lot of youtubers and french web creators on the show. The coin dur’s salesman is a youtuber and his show is called “the hard corned” which is translated to “le coin dur” (wink wink)
3 сезон- On s3e2, almost the entire Descraques family is there. François’s parents and sister are the people watching the painting and François is the one walking in front of the camera. (Also his sister painted the painting of the banana)