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Муж принёс ссылку на видео об игре с потрясающе найтвейловской атмосферой.
Происходящее кажется особенно близким к A Story About You: что-то необъяснимое происходит с человеком, и все его действия комментирует голос.
Why couldn't he see his feet when he looked down? Why did doors close automatically behind him wherever he went?
<. . .>
And then perhaps the strangest question of them all entered Stanley s head, one he was amazed he hadn t asked himself sooner, "Why is there a voice in my head dictating everything that I m doing and thinking?" Now the voice was describing itself being considered by Stanley, who found it particularly strange. "I m dreaming about a voice describing me thinking about how it s describing my thoughts", he thought! And while he thought it all very odd and wondered if this voice spoke to all people in their dreams, the truth was that of course this was not a dream. How could it be?
В это надо будет поиграть.
Происходящее кажется особенно близким к A Story About You: что-то необъяснимое происходит с человеком, и все его действия комментирует голос.
Why couldn't he see his feet when he looked down? Why did doors close automatically behind him wherever he went?
<. . .>
And then perhaps the strangest question of them all entered Stanley s head, one he was amazed he hadn t asked himself sooner, "Why is there a voice in my head dictating everything that I m doing and thinking?" Now the voice was describing itself being considered by Stanley, who found it particularly strange. "I m dreaming about a voice describing me thinking about how it s describing my thoughts", he thought! And while he thought it all very odd and wondered if this voice spoke to all people in their dreams, the truth was that of course this was not a dream. How could it be?
В это надо будет поиграть.